Krzysztof Filla   Photo Gallery

"The most dangerous worldviews are the worldviews of those
 who have never viewed the world." Alexander V.Humboldt


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Photograps 2019

The name Nicaragua derives from the indigenous tribe called "Nicarao", which the conquering Spaniards encountered when invading the land of present day Nicaragua in the year 1522. It was the beginning of murdering and enslavement of the local people, launched by conquistadors followed a few centuries later by the USA Empire. After many revolutions today Nicaragua is a free country struggling with many problems. It is one of the poorest nations in the region where half of the population live below the poverty line. Catholicism left by the Spanish Inquisition is still the dominant religion (58%) but the influence of North America led to the spread of protestantism with its many denominations.
It was my second visit in this country and as my plan was to give more attention to the other regions of Central America, this trip through Nicaragua was merely a transit, with a few stops on the way. In general, it is a save country to travel and people are very genial. However both my first and the second visit have had some safety issues, despite the fact I was very cautious in observing my security measures. For example during Christmas at a crowded bus terminal I was robbed of my camera while getting out of a bus. But in this problem, Nicaragua is not alone and other countries in C.A. grapple with a similar trouble. I present a handful of photographs and as it is seen, I have been equally fascinated by the vibrant communities as the tranquil places of rest for the deceased. And as for the nature and forest I tried to reach it but without any success.

TYPE OF EXPEDITION: First 6 month phase of MY PROJECT in Central America.
DURATION: 14 days.
PHOTOSENSITIVE MATERIAL: Digital - FF 26 Mpx and APS-C 24 Mpx.

Photograps 2017

The expedition to Central America has been my first journey to the New World behind the big Ocean. The main purpose of the travel focused on observation and assessment of local fauna and flora. Such as my recent ventures, the priority for me was the tropical forest. Due to the fact, it was indeed a new world for me, in large extend I was interested in the local culture. Initially the whole journey was planned differently but because of my knee injury that had happened a month before the travel, I had to change my itinerary and minimize the intensity of travelling. This probably had a negative effect on the quality of pictures. Nevertheless I invite you to take a look at them.

TYPE OF EXPEDITION: Observation and assessment of the natural world.
APPROACH: A plane.
PERIOD: 23/01/2017 - 01/04/2017
DURATION: 44 days in Nicaragua + 17 days in Costarica.
AVERAGE COST OF LIVING: 11 € per day (travelling with a tent).

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